This section deals with the Desktop Menu tab from the admin and attempts to document all the options available.

Initial Setup

Option Explanation
Enable Enable the Desktop Menu.
Original Menu to Hide To hide your current theme menu you need to put the CSS selector here. Any legal CSS selection criteria is valid.

For example #nav-menu, nav, .other-nav

See here for more help on finding what to put here.

General Setup

Option Explanation
Positioning Specify how you want the menu to stick to your page.

Using relative positioning is useful when combined with the shortcode.
Width Set the width of the desktop menu and it’s unit.

Leave blank to keep the width auto.
Side Set which side of the screen the desktop menu will show on.

Top level link colors

Option Explanation
Background Set the background colour for the top level menu items.
Background Hover Set the background hover colour for the top level menu items.
Text Set the text colour for the top level menu items.
Text Hover Set the text hover colour for the top level menu items.

Sub Menu Link Colors

Option Explanation
Background Set the background colour for the sub menu items.
Background Hover Set the background hover colour for the sub menu items.
Text Set the text colour for the sub menu items.
Text Hover Set the text hover colour for the sub menu items.

Top Level Styling

Option Explanation
Font Set the font for the menu items. The font must already be installed as part of your theme or a browser inbuilt one.

For example “Open Sans”.
Font Size Set the text size of the menu items and their unit.
Height Set the height of the top level menu items and their unit.
Line Height Set the line height of the top level menu items and their unit.

Sub Menu Styling

Option Explanation
Font Set the font for the sub menu items. The font must already be installed as part of your theme or a browser inbuilt one.

For example “Open Sans”.
Font Size Set the text size of the sub menu items and their unit.
Height Set the height of the sub menu items and their unit.
Line Height Set the line height of the sub menu items and their unit.